Thursday, September 07, 2006

'Sexual indoctrination' bill vetoed

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger took a big step today in vetoing a bill which had been passed by state legislature which would have prevented any school teaching materials or activities from "reflecting adversely" upon homosexuals, bisexuals or transgenders. Way to go Arnold!!

According to World Net Daily Craig DeLuz, president of the Robla School Board, said SB 1437 would have allowed only "positive images of homosexuals in any context of education."
"Meaning that if you wanted to talk about the spread of AIDS, if you wanted to talk about high-risk sexual activities, male-to-male sexual contact could not be mentioned because you'll have violated SB 1437," he said. "But that's the truth! What kind of law hides the truth?"

But I think CCF Latino spokesman Luis Goldamez said it best:
"We can no longer allow girlie-men in this state or any state to dictate to our children what they're going to teach them. We need to see them face-to-face and tell them, we have our pants on the right way, we are men and women, we are not confused. And if anyone needs to teach our children, it needs to be us parents, not girlie-men from this building or any other building,"

Although I am happy to see that this bill did not become law, I have to admit I am a little worried. How the hell did it pass state legislature??? California already has strict discrimination and anti-harassment laws, specifically in regards to homosexuals... why did they feel a need to pass a law that would prevent schools from teaching anything that would reflect adversely on homosexuals?


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