Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Score one for the children

A federal appeals court ruled yesterday that a convicted child molester has no fundamental right to visit a public park. According to the Indianapolis Star Michigan City adopted an ordinance in 20002 banning Robert E Brown from city parks "after they said Brown visited Washington Park almost daily, staring at children through binoculars and taking photographs from his van. Brown denied the allegations."

The ACLU obviously stepped in to defend Mr Brown. Once again putting the rights of convicted felons ahead of those rights of the innocent, the ACLU argued that this law deprived him of his 14th Amendment due process rights.

14th Amendment due process rights??? Are they out of their %*$#ing minds? What are they suggesting by using the term due process, is it that Michigan City had no right to ban him from the park until he committed a crime in that park, was arrested for it, was convicted by a trial jury, and had exhausted his appeals?

"As a practical matter of ensuring public safety, Mr. Brown is not just another patron of the public parks," Judge Kenneth Ripple wrote in the ruling. "He is a convicted child molester whose frequency of attendance and atypical behavior while in the park justified the concern of those public officials charged with ensuring the safety of members of the public who visit the recreational site."

I couldn't have said it better myself! Considering this is by no means the first time, nor will it be the last time the ACLU has defended the rights of convicted child molesters to congregate where children play, I can only hope more Judges read this ruling and take note.


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